Indo-China Agriculture AVOCADOS
We grow a derivative of the famous “Fuerte” avocado (Persea Americana) cultivar from Mexico.
OUR Avocados
Avocado (Persea Americana): One of our favorite fruits to grow on our farms is avocado. Technically a berry, the avocado has many different cultivars. We chose to produce a derivative cultivar of the “Fuerte” for its suitability to our climate and soil.
Since Fuerte is a “B” cultivar, we also have “A” cultivars of Pinkerton and Reed within our farms as well to ensure a good fruit set. We have found that the creamy and rich texture of our fruit is ideal for the popular avocado shakes sold in Phnom Penh.
Fast Facts On
Grown since 7,000 BC
Grown in Peru and migrated across the world
Typical Fibre Content
2.19 kg
Guinness World Record Avocado
400 Years
Lifespan of a healthy tree
Typical Fat Content
Known Varieties Of Avocadoes
Water Content In A Typical Avocado